Academic Research
My research aims to make clarity from chaos by focusing on data-driven decision making. I help academic, public, and private stakeholders make informed, evidence-based decisions to inform public and corporate policy. My academic research primarily focuses in two key areas: understanding how changing earth systems drive major evolutionary chance over time; and (2) advancing equity goals and bridging equity gaps in higher education.
Published Papers (20)
- Ramírez-Díaz, C., M.A. Kolmann, Peredo, C.M., and V.H. Cruz-Escalona. 2024. Cranial musculature of batoids: A standardized nomenclature. The Anatomical Record. Early Access. Read Publication
- Medrano, R.A., V.H. Cruz-Escalona, J.A. Payán Alcacio, L.R. de Oliveira, A.O. Vargas, C.J. Hernández-Camacho, and C.M. Peredo. 2024. Skull shape and size changes in different populations of Zalophus californianus in Mexico. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 105:1, 192–205. Read Publication
- Nieto-Miranda, J. Jesús, R. Aguilar-Medrano, C.J. Hernández-Camacho, C.M. Peredo, V.H. Cruz-Escalona. 2023. Mechanical properties of the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) and northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) lower jaws explain trophic plasticity. The Anatomical Record 10, 2598–2609. Read Publication
- Peredo, C.M., N.D. Pyenson, and M.D. Uhen. 2022. Lateral palatal foramina do not indicate baleen in fossil whales. Scientific Reports 12, 11448. Read Publication
- Peredo, C.M., D.N. Ingle, and C.D. Marshall. 2022. Puncture performance tests reveal distinct feeding modes in pinniped teeth. Journal of Experimental Biology 225: 11, jeb244296. Read Publication
- Peredo, C.M., and N.D. Pyenson. 2021. Morphological variation of the relictual alveolar structures in the mandibles of baleen whales. PeerJ 9, e11890. Read Publication
- Groves*, S.L., C.M. Peredo, and N.D. Pyenson. 2021. What are the limits to whale ear bone size? Non-isometric scaling of the cetacean bulla. PeerJ 9, e10882. Read Publication
- Uhen, M.D., and C.M. Peredo. 2021. The first possible remingtonocetid stem whale from North America. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 66:1, 77–83. Read Publication
- Tate-Jones, M.K., C.M. Peredo, C.D. Marshall, and S.S.B. Hopkins. 2020. The dawn of Desmatophocidae: a new species of basal desmatophocid seal (Mammalia, Carnivora) from the Miocene of Oregon, USA. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 40:4, 1–12. Read Publication
- Leslie, M.S., C.M. Peredo, and N.D. Pyenson. 2019. Norrisanima miocaena, a new generic name and rediscription of a stem balaenopteroid mysticete (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the Miocene of California. PeerJ 7, e7629. Read Publication
- Shipps, B.K., C.M. Peredo, and N.D. Pyenson. 2019. Borealodon osedax*, a new stem mysticete (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the Oligocene of Washington State and its implications for fossil whale-fall communities. Royal Society Open Science 6, 182168. Read Publication
- Peredo, C.M., N.D. Pyenson, C.D. Marshall, and M.D. Uhen. 2018. Tooth loss precedes the origin of baleen in whales. Current Biology 28, 3992–4000. Read Publication
- Peredo, C.M., J.S. Peredo, and N.D. Pyenson. 2018. Convergence on dental simplification in the evolution of whales. Paleobiology 44:3, 434–443. Read Publication
- Peredo, C.M., and N.D. Pyenson. 2018. Salishicetus meadi, a new aetiocetid from the late Oligocene of Washington State and implications for feeding transitions in early mysticete evolution. Royal Society Open Science 5, 172336. Read Publication
- Peredo, C.M., M.D. Uhen, and M.D. Nelson. 2018. A new kentriodontid (Cetacea: Odontoceti) from the early Miocene Astoria Formation and a revision of the stem delphinidan family Kentriodontidae. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 38:2, 1–18. Read Publication
- Dewaele, L., C.M. Peredo, P. Meyvisch, and S. Louwye. 2018. Diversity of late Neogene Monachinae (Carnivora, Phocidae) from the North Atlantic, with the description of two new species. Royal Society Open Science 5, 172437. Read Publication
- Peredo, C.M., N.D. Pyenson, M.D. Uhen, and C.D. Marshall. 2017. Alveoli, teeth, and tooth loss: Understanding the homology of internal mandibular structures in mysticete cetaceans. PLOS ONE 12:5, 1–26. Read Publication
- Peredo, C.M., N.D. Pyenson, and A.T. Boersma. 2017. Decoupling tooth loss from the evolution of baleen in whales. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:67, 1–11. Read Publication
- Peredo, C.M., and M.D. Uhen. 2016. A new basal chaeomysticete (Mammalia: Cetacea) from the Late Oligocene Pysht Formation of Washington, USA. Papers in Palaeontology 2:4, 533–554. Read Publication
- Peredo, C.M., and M.D. Uhen. 2016. Exploration of marine mammal paleogeography in the Northern Hemisphere over the Cenozoic using beta diversity. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 449, 227–235. Read Publication