Academic Research

My research aims to make clarity from chaos by focusing on data-driven decision making. I help academic, public, and private stakeholders make informed, evidence-based decisions to inform public and corporate policy. My academic research primarily focuses in two key areas: understanding how changing earth systems drive major evolutionary chance over time; and (2) advancing equity goals and bridging equity gaps in higher education.


Published Papers (20)

  1. Ramírez-Díaz, C., M.A. Kolmann, Peredo, C.M., and V.H. Cruz-Escalona. 2024. Cranial musculature of batoids: A standardized nomenclature. The Anatomical Record. Early Access. Read Publication
  1. Medrano, R.A., V.H. Cruz-Escalona, J.A. Payán Alcacio, L.R. de Oliveira, A.O. Vargas, C.J. Hernández-Camacho, and C.M. Peredo. 2024. Skull shape and size changes in different populations of Zalophus californianus in Mexico. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 105:1, 192–205. Read Publication
  1. Nieto-Miranda, J. Jesús, R. Aguilar-Medrano, C.J. Hernández-Camacho, C.M. Peredo, V.H. Cruz-Escalona. 2023. Mechanical properties of the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) and northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) lower jaws explain trophic plasticity. The Anatomical Record 10, 2598–2609. Read Publication
  1. Peredo, C.M., N.D. Pyenson, and M.D. Uhen. 2022. Lateral palatal foramina do not indicate baleen in fossil whales. Scientific Reports 12, 11448. Read Publication
  1. Peredo, C.M., D.N. Ingle, and C.D. Marshall. 2022. Puncture performance tests reveal distinct feeding modes in pinniped teeth. Journal of Experimental Biology 225: 11, jeb244296. Read Publication
  1. Peredo, C.M., and N.D. Pyenson. 2021. Morphological variation of the relictual alveolar structures in the mandibles of baleen whales. PeerJ 9, e11890. Read Publication
  1. Groves*, S.L., C.M. Peredo, and N.D. Pyenson. 2021. What are the limits to whale ear bone size? Non-isometric scaling of the cetacean bulla. PeerJ 9, e10882. Read Publication
  1. Uhen, M.D., and C.M. Peredo. 2021. The first possible remingtonocetid stem whale from North America. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 66:1, 77–83. Read Publication
  1. Tate-Jones, M.K., C.M. Peredo, C.D. Marshall, and S.S.B. Hopkins. 2020. The dawn of Desmatophocidae: a new species of basal desmatophocid seal (Mammalia, Carnivora) from the Miocene of Oregon, USA. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 40:4, 1–12. Read Publication
  1. Leslie, M.S., C.M. Peredo, and N.D. Pyenson. 2019. Norrisanima miocaena, a new generic name and rediscription of a stem balaenopteroid mysticete (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the Miocene of California. PeerJ 7, e7629. Read Publication
  1. Shipps, B.K., C.M. Peredo, and N.D. Pyenson. 2019. Borealodon osedax*, a new stem mysticete (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the Oligocene of Washington State and its implications for fossil whale-fall communities. Royal Society Open Science 6, 182168. Read Publication
  1. Peredo, C.M., N.D. Pyenson, C.D. Marshall, and M.D. Uhen. 2018. Tooth loss precedes the origin of baleen in whales. Current Biology 28, 3992–4000. Read Publication
  1. Peredo, C.M., J.S. Peredo, and N.D. Pyenson. 2018. Convergence on dental simplification in the evolution of whales. Paleobiology 44:3, 434–443. Read Publication
  1. Peredo, C.M., and N.D. Pyenson. 2018. Salishicetus meadi, a new aetiocetid from the late Oligocene of Washington State and implications for feeding transitions in early mysticete evolution. Royal Society Open Science 5, 172336. Read Publication
  1. Peredo, C.M., M.D. Uhen, and M.D. Nelson. 2018. A new kentriodontid (Cetacea: Odontoceti) from the early Miocene Astoria Formation and a revision of the stem delphinidan family Kentriodontidae. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 38:2, 1–18. Read Publication
  1. Dewaele, L., C.M. Peredo, P. Meyvisch, and S. Louwye. 2018. Diversity of late Neogene Monachinae (Carnivora, Phocidae) from the North Atlantic, with the description of two new species. Royal Society Open Science 5, 172437. Read Publication
  1. Peredo, C.M., N.D. Pyenson, M.D. Uhen, and C.D. Marshall. 2017. Alveoli, teeth, and tooth loss: Understanding the homology of internal mandibular structures in mysticete cetaceans. PLOS ONE 12:5, 1–26. Read Publication
  1. Peredo, C.M., N.D. Pyenson, and A.T. Boersma. 2017. Decoupling tooth loss from the evolution of baleen in whales. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:67, 1–11. Read Publication
  1. Peredo, C.M., and M.D. Uhen. 2016. A new basal chaeomysticete (Mammalia: Cetacea) from the Late Oligocene Pysht Formation of Washington, USA. Papers in Palaeontology 2:4, 533–554. Read Publication
  1. Peredo, C.M., and M.D. Uhen. 2016. Exploration of marine mammal paleogeography in the Northern Hemisphere over the Cenozoic using beta diversity. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 449, 227–235. Read Publication